Radiators - you can have wall mounted if you prefer - it's up to you.
I've written this article again as certain events have prompted me to address other points on this subject. Please forgive the overlap, the original post is here.
Firstly, we need to make something abundantly clear. If you want your radiators to be wall mounted, it is always possible. It comes down to whether your installer is willing and able to undertake the required works and that you understand the additional works and cost required. This may work out more expensive than using feet, but ultimately it is your choice. If your installer doesn't want to do the work, find an installer that will.
We are increasingly receiving enquiries from clients regarding radiator feet. Usually it goes as follows: "We are about to order / received our radiators and our plumber says we need feet as the wall won't support the weight." In most cases, this simply isn't true. In plumber's language this really means "I don't want to make a secure fixing, so I'm going to tell you that you need feet".
This article is designed to dispel some myths, state some facts (or at least strong opinions) and explain what certain methods of fixing radiators involve. If we are talking about a plasterboard wall, it's very simple. Unless you can fix to the stud work (wooden frame in the wall) or create a secure fixing, then we do not recommend fixing ANY radiator to a sheet of plasterboard. Solid walls are of course easier, but some conditions can apply.
Plasterboard wall.
1: You can remove part of the plasterboard and put a piece of wood (called a strut or noggin) into the wall, refit the plasterboard and skim over using the strut as the fixing.
2: A very popular method when building a new wall is to fix a piece of ply board to the back of the plasterboard. This creates a solid fixing with the weight distributed over the wall.
Beeze block or brick walls.
These are easy to fix to and often only require drilling and Rawl plugs. Our radiators are supplied with the appropriate amount of fixings according to the size of the radiators. More can be supplied in special circumstances. Should there be a requirement for a more secure fixing we recommend a product made by Rawl, called R KEM II which is a chemical resin, which will effectively glue the fixing into place and requires a hammer and bolster to remove.
Radiator weights.
Some of the most popular radiators we supply are multicolumn radiators.
Installers are often concerned when replacing pressed steel panel radiators with these as they are on average 30% heavier. This is where we find installers start to become nervous about installation. The method in which our multicolumns are designed to be installed means the weight is distributed evenly. Provided they have a secure fixing to screw into (assuming the panel radiators were fixed securely), the extra weight shouldn't be an issue.
Bear in mind, radiators are as close to the wall as possible, which means the load is mostly vertical. A TV on a fold out wall stand places more weight on a wall than a radiator does.
Fun fact: our largest column radiator supplier, Irsap only provide feet to the UK market. Footed radiators represent 1% of their business.
Cast iron.
Here, you find that almost all cast iron radiator are floor mounted. This is because they have integral footed sections. The can be wall mounted and we have supplied fixings for this, but the issue tends to be having something secure enough to fix to and the kind of heavy duty fixing required. We have supplied cast iron for wall fixing, but it's quite an onerous option and goes against the aesthetic of traditional cast iron.
Available styles of feet.
There are generally three kinds of feet available for multicolumn.
Welded feet. These need to be ordered at time of purchase.
Slip on feet. These are supplied in stock finishes or white, anthracite, or bare metal. Some finishes can be supplied. Please enquire with us.
Cast iron feet These are painted to order. Again, please enquire on this.